Tuesday, May 12, 2009


We made the voyage back to Oklahoma on thursday, we really didnt get much footy on the way or photos. We got these cute pole crams at 5 am on the first night, it was a good start, we saw the sun come up right after dirty landed this, so enchanting, breath taking if you will.

We brought back with us our little 14yr old prototype Jeffy Carlyle. His mom made a fake dr note so he could ditch 2 weeks of middle school to go skate across the Mid West. Now thats a real bad bitch, YO WORRD? We also have our newest transvestite friend, brandon greer, to film all the boy filled activities that GO DOWN, so watch out guys....BANGERANGs will go down.....get that brandon? BANGERANG.

Lastly on this novel of a post, One of our own, Clint Allen Walker, has been chosen for Roger Skateboard's "Roger of the month,". Michael Even went to mention that this infact is "Junk footy". I can confirm that for you all, Keep an Eye out for Richie Valdez's video in the works, "Skate Movie" soon to be Premiereing at an Active near you! CWs part will blow your little D3s out of the waterEven with double lines and sound effects, they still saw a ray of sunshine in our golden boy. Congrats CW, that shits "da butterz"

Check it

Monday, May 4, 2009


is sick!
