Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Long time no Gnart


Clint Walker Crooksing.

big dreams starting to come true. i have been killing it in the streets haha

For the last week We have been in San Francisco. Had a really great time. And met some cool people.

"The Kyle Walker" is still with us out here. More shit to come from him.

Clint blunt fakie on the way home from SF. Met a kid at this random park on the way home that has been living in Moore.

Butters Switch ollie in Ventura

One to many arizona's and a bad fair ride.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Ryan Weber

I should have posted this a long time ago when I found it, but I suck. This is a guy named Ryan Weber who I work with. He's super gnarly and pretty intimidating, but he's a super rad dude and he'd have your back any day.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Kyle's in the gnart house...

for a while...

We plan to be extra productive this month.