Friday, November 13, 2009

gnart so happy

Clint, Dirty and Kyle were unfortunate enough to get these the other night. No more Mesa park for us.

Drity getting down at his first Damn Am

Clint and his life coach Ryan Webber

Congrats to Clint Walker, Tommy Werner and Luan de Oliveira. 2009 Costa Mesa Damn Am Video
"Might as well go now"

Nosegrind from the Oklahoma visit - Clint Walker

Monday, October 26, 2009

How do you feel about the word "moist"?

Some stuff has happened...
and I still suck at publishing it.

To break the ice... I went to Jail.

I ended up in the big house about 20 hours. I always wanted to go to Jail at least once in my life... just not the night I went ha. It wasn't as bad as I thought, the worst part is I was put in the holding cell the whole time which is supposedly the worst place to be in jail. All the dudes I met were pretty cool, pretty funny. But... this is by far the longest I have ever been in a cold place in my whole life. It was miserable. REDICULOUSLY cold the whole time with only a shirt sleeve shirt. I didn't sleep at all. I did trade my milk for an extra orange half though... that was pretty cool. It wasn't too bad but I definitely don't want to go back. It's an experience for sure and everyone should try it. ha

Oh and T-Vaughan got a new phone and we bought an $8 app. Now we can make gnart montages and upload them straight from his phone. We're stoked! Check it...

Now that we're professional iphone-tage makers the next one should be way more legit. Be on the lookout. Some other stuff happened but I forget what that is...
Oh well... good enough for now. I love to hate you all!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Scart was gnart

Miss you dawg

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Clints new fetish

california changes people.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Start things off with something pretty old i just found on my computer.
Dirty back 5-0

this is what happens when you don't wear your helmet at the park

Shane was there. haha

Yukon park is kinda fun
CLICK to view large

Little Bear found a new pet

Thursday, September 24, 2009

OkC Killazzz

We've recently started a new rap group in the gnart house, titled, OkC Killazzz. Album droppin next spring


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Dirty Getting Gnaaaaaaar

Flip 5050
Dirty gettin down my frist day back in CA!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

some recent gnart

Smoke clouds from the fires that are destroying beautiful california.

Pacia, Clint, and the Todd have found a new look.

Maybe this new look is a bad idea. Good thing he decided to wear underwear

clint keeps his baby safe at all times

Clint still gets gnart at every spot.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


The dudes started a band...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Long time no Gnart


Clint Walker Crooksing.

big dreams starting to come true. i have been killing it in the streets haha

For the last week We have been in San Francisco. Had a really great time. And met some cool people.

"The Kyle Walker" is still with us out here. More shit to come from him.

Clint blunt fakie on the way home from SF. Met a kid at this random park on the way home that has been living in Moore.

Butters Switch ollie in Ventura

One to many arizona's and a bad fair ride.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Ryan Weber

I should have posted this a long time ago when I found it, but I suck. This is a guy named Ryan Weber who I work with. He's super gnarly and pretty intimidating, but he's a super rad dude and he'd have your back any day.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Kyle's in the gnart house...

for a while...

We plan to be extra productive this month.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

worst montage ever :/

We filmed this quite a while ago. We tried reeeeeeaaal hard on it. Turned out amazing. Rad.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


So we've been slacking. I'm trying to talk Tvaughan into uploaded some photos but "E's a bitch" and hasn't. So until he does...
Check this out.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


We made the voyage back to Oklahoma on thursday, we really didnt get much footy on the way or photos. We got these cute pole crams at 5 am on the first night, it was a good start, we saw the sun come up right after dirty landed this, so enchanting, breath taking if you will.

We brought back with us our little 14yr old prototype Jeffy Carlyle. His mom made a fake dr note so he could ditch 2 weeks of middle school to go skate across the Mid West. Now thats a real bad bitch, YO WORRD? We also have our newest transvestite friend, brandon greer, to film all the boy filled activities that GO DOWN, so watch out guys....BANGERANGs will go down.....get that brandon? BANGERANG.

Lastly on this novel of a post, One of our own, Clint Allen Walker, has been chosen for Roger Skateboard's "Roger of the month,". Michael Even went to mention that this infact is "Junk footy". I can confirm that for you all, Keep an Eye out for Richie Valdez's video in the works, "Skate Movie" soon to be Premiereing at an Active near you! CWs part will blow your little D3s out of the waterEven with double lines and sound effects, they still saw a ray of sunshine in our golden boy. Congrats CW, that shits "da butterz"
Check it

Monday, May 4, 2009


is sick!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Jet Black Gnart Attack!

I just want to start out by saying David sucks and still hasn't sent me the pictures from the second day at Built to Shred. David, you suck.

Some of our latest epic adventures...

Jeff and Friends basking in the sun.

You may think that being from Oklahoma means we don't have African American friends...

We showed you.
The hoodest niggas in Orange County. Dominigg and Sterling.

Richie loves gnART. Look how stoked he is to get a coveted spot on the blog.

Ronald Ridin' Dirtay...

You guys may be wondering why we call Dirty "Dirty". As you may know Dirty is Native American. He has been to pow-wows, painted his face, and danced around fires in feathers n' shit! He's legit. In their culture they are given spiritual names that they often go by. For example, Dirty has a cousin who's name is Two Eagles. Like Two Eagles Dirty's full spiritual name is Dirty Hawk.
Dirty Hawk gets down yet again!

Just kidding, his name isn't really Dirty Hawk. Don't call him that.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Built to Shred!

Today was rad. For the second time we and skated with the Built to Shred guys for the Fuel show. The first one was a ditch where they built quarter pipes with log coping and a bunch of other crazy obstacles along a little ditch snake run. This time David, Ryan, Curren, Moose and myself went to some military base by San Diego where we skated three different things they built.

The first one was just a bank ramp up to some artilery shell containers.

The second thing we skated (which I don't have any pictures of cause I suck) was insane. We leaned two pieces of plywood up to a railing with a gap in the middle. On the other side of the rail there was like and 8 foot drop, it was so gnarly. We all skated the gap in between while David did every trick he could first try on the railing. Ryan tried blunt once and got broke off... ha.

The last thing they built was a gap on top of compacted cardboard boxes that they recycle with a box mad of recycled aluminum cans with angle iron on the edge next to the gap. Daewon style. It was so fun and so gnarly.

A ton of stuff went down and I'm stoked to see the episodes next season. Saturday we are going back to the base to film again. I think we are going to be skating tanks and other equipment, stoked! Keep an eye out on Fuel.

Afterwords we ran into the Cons krew at Pedro's tacos, we had David jump in so we could take a quick one of all of them wearing the exact same shoes. Cute.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Isaac "Siems" Gnart.

Click the photo!

Kyle Walker is finally gnart enough

kyle walker

Wednesday, April 15, 2009