Monday, April 27, 2009

Jet Black Gnart Attack!

I just want to start out by saying David sucks and still hasn't sent me the pictures from the second day at Built to Shred. David, you suck.

Some of our latest epic adventures...

Jeff and Friends basking in the sun.

You may think that being from Oklahoma means we don't have African American friends...

We showed you.
The hoodest niggas in Orange County. Dominigg and Sterling.

Richie loves gnART. Look how stoked he is to get a coveted spot on the blog.

Ronald Ridin' Dirtay...

You guys may be wondering why we call Dirty "Dirty". As you may know Dirty is Native American. He has been to pow-wows, painted his face, and danced around fires in feathers n' shit! He's legit. In their culture they are given spiritual names that they often go by. For example, Dirty has a cousin who's name is Two Eagles. Like Two Eagles Dirty's full spiritual name is Dirty Hawk.
Dirty Hawk gets down yet again!

Just kidding, his name isn't really Dirty Hawk. Don't call him that.

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